Can we take a minute to brag on one of our favorite wedding photographers?
The Man, the Myth, the Legend, Joshua Veldstra!

When you browse through Joshua Veldstra’s portfolio it is obvious that he is a very talented photographer. But His style, eye for detail and ability to capture the moment from just the right angle with just the right lighting is not what we want to brag about today.
What we do want to brag about is his customer service, personality and dedication to his clients. Those traits are what really make him stand out in our book. When you book Joshua Veldstra photography you are locking in an experience that you won’t regret. He is present in the moment, a joy to be around, and has absolutely amazing response time. In our experience, when Joshua does a shoot, your project doesn’t get put on the back burner for months. You can expect,sneak peaks sometimes even the same day, and finished edits, in a few weeks.
If you are looking for a photographer, with skill, talent, and excellent service, check out his work at